Judy has sent me several pics of her T-Shirt Quilts. Here’s a graduation quilt and story!

Hello Marguerita,
I don’t think I sent you the picture of the finished quilt and also pillows too –for Shawn’s graduation.
So here it is on his bed and also when he first got it.
He was so pleased, they went to visit other grandparents and he came home, said he could not take it any longer and put it on his bed.
I had enough backing left to make two pillows with backing fabric and a couple more tee shirt blocks for them—and did the binding in that too.
He ended up having three graduations. He attended the Lycoming County Career and Tech Center and we were so pleased he was Student of the Year there. That was a drive up and get out get diploma/certificate.
He had to do a speech and because he was SOY. He was allow two more people and chose us.
We were the only Non-parents there – well for the seniors!
Then Muncy High School allowed 15 minutes with 15 people to attend and receive diploma during restrictions.
However the restrictions lifted and Shawn had a regular/short but as it should be done– Muncy High School Graduation.
We were so pleased for him. There are school around that only did the drive up and get diploma.
He’s off to Pennsylvania College of Technology to do the Honda Certified Mechanic two year Program with 100% placement.
It sure is a scary world we are living in at this time.
Be Safe, Blessings to all.
Your PA friend,
If you look closely you will see pictures.
P.S. I got the material you put thru the printer and printed picture of first day first grade and first day of Senior Year. That was a big success, he loved them on his quilt.

This quilt isn’t done as quilt-as-you-go but Judy’s first ones were and we continue to stay in touch! Thank you Judy S!