There’s nothing more rewarding to someone like me, who puts everything in their work, to receive a note like this one:
Hi Marguerita,
I have been wanting to thank you for writing Crazy Shortcut Quilts. I bought your book years ago before I learned to quilt. Because of your book I have a passion for quilting. I am so blessed to have found something that brings me so much joy. It is an excellent book for beginners. Since then I have advanced to longarm quilting. I still use your method for baby blankets and t-shirt quilts for family and friends. The only difference is that the center panel is a large animal applique with the baby’s name. I digitize my applique using embroidery software. I attached examples. They are not my best work, but you get the idea. My best ones are on another computer.
Anyway I want you to know you have made a significant difference for the good in my life.
Best regards,
Deb W

I LOVE the idea of the embroidered center block! Thank you so much Deb, for your wonderful note and photos of your lovely quilts!