Crazy Shortcake

Cover of Crazy Shortcake bookIntroducing Crazy Shortcake! At 47 pages it’s more of a pattern than a book. In it you receive full instructions to make and finish ONE quilt, in two sizes, with a layout variation and two quilting options, all with our easy quilt-as-you-go techniques.

You’ll learn our crazy cutting techniques and see huge photos of the entire step-by-step process of layering, quilting, trimming, joining and binding your quilt from start to finish.

Below is a Shortcake made from Clothworks’ Andalusia Line, in teals, blues and light greens, 36″ x 45″.

The Gradient Shortcake below is from Clothworks’ line of solids, made in America.

The soft pink Shortcake Quilt below is from a set of Moda pre-cuts.

The larger version of the Shortcake Quilt (shown below in brights) is 54″ x 63″. Full instructions for it are in the book, with a twist on the decorative stitch quilting.

And here’s one I just finished, in gorgeous batiks!

Crazy Shortcake is now available on in print and for the Kindle (in color), on Kobo, and at Barnes & Noble.

You can read more about my 2-Day Retreat Style Workshop on the Teaching Page