Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Meet Wendy….

    …and her Crazy Shortcut Quilt ๐Ÿ™‚ I love those colors, they remind me of spring. I love how she says her backing reminds her of watermelon!

  • Great Visits

    I had some fun this morning, surfing the Quilt Designer’s Blog ring and I would like to share a few posts that I just loved. My friend Margaret has a post on smiles, I just love every single thing on Valerie’s Blog; I fell in love with Susan Pennoyer’s Heart Strings Pocket Purse; the beautiful…

  • Christmas Songs

    My friend Denise, who lives in Hawaii, sent this video link. It’s just wonderful and the singer has a superb voice. I love the dual language version! Do you have a favorite Christmas song on YouTube? Would you post a link to it in the comments? I love listening to different languages and new interpretations…

  • Really Great Inspiration

    I love reading Seth Godin and so of course I downloaded his (free!) new ebook as soon as I could. It’s called What Matters Now. Since I am sharing things I love, this video really speaks to me. It is on TED and it is William Kamkwamba talking about how he Harnessed The Wind. I…

  • Audio Books!

    I am having such a surprisingly good time listening to books. I never thought that I would enjoy this and that’s why I’ve taken so long to try this just because I was sure that I wouldn’t like it. Ahhhh, I admit that I was wrong ๐Ÿ™‚ My local library card lets me download a…

  • T-Shirt Quilts and more ๐Ÿ™‚

    I love quilt stories and Judy sent me hers: Here are pictures of the two quilts I made using your quilting method with tee shirts that club members gave me. The two pictures with the yellow corvette in the center is the one Bob won and we donated to the National Corvette Museum in Bowling…

  • Oklahoma and Arizona quilters, some questions for you ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi Quilters, I have been on a whirlwind trip for the past 3 weeks and I am looking for some help! First, I have a quilter who wants to take a Crazy Shortcut Quilts Class in northwest Oklahoma. I am looking for shops info, classes, teachers, anyone with info that I can share with this…

  • Teach Crazy Shortcut Quilt Classes in Your Town!

    I really want to share our success with you, Crazy Shortcut quilters who enjoy making these quilts, and who would enjoy teaching this method in classes at your local quilt shops, community schools, sewing centers, guilds or privately. I invite you to teach Crazy Shortcut Quilting! I’ve spent a major portion of the spring and…

  • Sewing and Quilting Resources

    Hi Quilters, I received a comment by Cindy of Sew Happy Designs and Nettie and I had to share my reply with you because of how excited I am about it all. You know that I have just fallen head over heals in love with video (yes, I am a terrible show off!) and being…

  • 10,581 Book Sold and Still Going Strong!

    Whoooooooooooo Hooooooooo!! Color me happy!! Let’s tell everyone!!

Got any book recommendations?