Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Outside work & inside retreat

    This weekend finds us outside finishing some work on the house before it gets too cold. Thankfully it’s gorgeous and warm and we hope to get a lot done ๐Ÿ™‚ My friend Susan Round is having a quilting retreat on her blog this weekend. Stop on by and check out her group and their works…

  • First Place!

    Our dear friend Kathy Harte mentors young girls in their sewing. Here’s her email to me from just a few minutes ago: Hi Marguerita and Sarah – I’m so excited about some great – exciting fantastic news ! ! ! I had 5 students last school year who completed their wildly beautiful “Crazy Shortcut Quilts.”…

  • Exercise?

    Are you a member of a weight loss or fitness group? I have been watching my pal Laura and her progress on Spark People and I just joined today. I am almost obese according to their numbers but what’s worse than that is that I look and feel like blended Jell-O in stretched skin. I’ve…

  • My New Pressing Board

    I created a huge pressing surface for myself, something I’ve wanted for many years! I used 1/2″ OSB (Oriented Strandboard), two layers of Warm & Natural Batting, some muslin and my favorite staple gun. To keep it from moving, I set a large piece of gripper pad (sold as shelf liner in department stores) underneath!…

  • More Crazy Shortcut Quilts!

    Whoooo Hooo! I just added several photos to the Quilt Gallery and they are awesome looking quilts! Thanks to Amy, Pat, Irma and especially Joanna, who has been helping me with a project I am working on…..stay tuned!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Smiles

  • Two New CSCQ Quilts in the Gallery!

    Thank you Pam and Joan!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Be sure to peek at Sarah’s Blog for her new quilt too! Safe and happy holiday wishes from me to you, Marguerita

  • The Story of Penny’s Quilt

    Back in the mid 1990’s I started quilting and it didn’t take long before I fell in love with machine quilting. I machine quilted for Trish Stuart, who had just made the transition from making patterns to making self-published books. We made a great team! I went to Quilt Market a few times with Trish…

  • Sashing Your Squares

    Hi Quilters! I get a few emails every now and then about the sashing on our quilt as you go style of quiltmaking, and I re-read the book (thanks to my friend Phyllis at Patchwork Plus in Virginia!) and I want to clarify something for all of you experienced quilters! We use a “true” 1/4″…

  • Chain Piecing for Quilting

    This one is a basic chain piecing demo with some pressing information (which I learned the hard way!)

Got any book recommendations?