Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Quilt Confession …

    I have to confess ….. I buy quilt blocks and quilt tops on ebay.  There.  It’s out. Sarah recently gave me back of pile of blocks that I had dumped on her, after deciding I’d never do anything with them.  Does that make them double UFO’s?   RUFO’s – Returned Un-Finished Object?  WIHIMMBGTSE – Works I…

  • Bunny Update

    My friend Ferne reminded me that I haven’t posted about the bunnies lately – thanks for the reminder Ferne! We have more bunnies.  Our neighbors called a few weeks ago and said that they were rescuing some baby bunnies that had been separated from their mother by someone who traps the rabbits and takes them…

  • Mystery Donor

    You angel! Thank you for your donation to Charity:water! I am working on 3 projects that I want to use to both provide new products to quilters AND to generate revenue to causes that I believe in: water and micro-loans. I have been investigating Kiva.org and I love what they are doing, however I would…

  • New Roof for the House!

    Ever have a project that you’ve known you had to do but dreaded, for years? Today’s the day for the house and for Tom. He’s postponed, drafted re-designs, fixed leaks, patched bad areas and finally, today, the roof is coming off and new one going on. He’s been gathering materials for months, cutting wood, ordering…

  • Our Art Quilt Project

    Hehehehe.  A baby and a bucket of fabric scraps.  I’ll be picking them up for the next month!  What was I thinking!? Well, let’s just say I was rushing things a bit.  The technique worked well but the materials I chose didn’t (not their fault, mine) and the child doesn’t quite have the attention span…

  • Audrey’s Corner

    I just finished carrying what I hope is the last bit of extra special quilting necessities (translates to years of accumulated quilting stuff) upstairs to the new studio. Audrey is coming this weekend and her corner of the studio is all ready for her.  The high shelves (put up last night) hold most of my…

  • What a Great Day!

    Tom and I drove to Homer today (and back) about a 340 mile trip, to get things for the boat.  Fishing season is almost here and he has been working on the boat daily.  On the way there I saw the most beautiful drake in a pond, several moose, many eagles, a few run down…

  • Happiest Mother’s Day to Everyone 🙂

    On a long drive home from Anchorage yesterday Tom and I had an interesting conversation. I will admit that being fifty has changed my perspective a bit. We talked about our “bucket list” and I challenged him to make a list (I will too) and we will compare them next weekend. That should be an…

  • What’s New?

    I am writing again!! Ohhhh, I almost forgot how much I love it! 8 pages into a little project and I am on cloud nine 🙂 What are you up to? I am going blog surfing to find out but you can tell me here too if you want!

  • Margaret has a new table!

    Here’s her note to me: “I had a table and used the Sam’s table to extend my space. It is so great and spacious. I am marking a quilt now to begin stitching. I am so excited that this set-up will control a lot of problems I was having, i.e. the weight of the quilt…

Got any book recommendations?